Where story meets style

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June 18, 2015

She | Creative Photo Series | Fashion Photographer

A few years ago my love for fashion photography began to grow.  Fashion excites me, it’s trendy and fresh, thought out and put together…not to mention an art in itself.  It was an aspect I never saw myself gravitating towards, but I find I’m now enthralled with a love for fashion and the fashion industry.

Shoots like this always start with an idea.  Landon was inspired to create a set of sleek summer editorial styled outfits with a Versace and Balmain vibe.   A few months ago we got busy on the prep and inspiration that leads up to bringing ideas like these to fruition…which is almost as exciting as seeing the finished images.  We choose Ashley as the model and the local pool as the location.  Landon got busy pulling outfits and styling ideas with great detail for the five different looks.  It all came together beautifully with Michaela doing hair and Jordan on makeup.

These types of shoots excite AND challenge me.  To see the ideas come become reality and the team working together to pull off the shoot…resulted in an amazing collaboration.  I couldn’t be more excited to have worked with this fabulous bunch of creatives:

Styling + Concept // Landon Blake Dyer
Photography // Starr Mercer Photography
Model // Ashley Lawson
Makeup Artistry // Jordan Walker
Hair Styling // Michaela Bachiu

Special thanks to Alayna McNab for volunteering her time to lifeguard on location at the Oxbow Swimming Pool while the photo shoot was in progress.

So without further ado, here is the best of the SHE Series



…Behind the scenes…

stylist putting on models shoestylist fixing models hair in pool wearing a fur coatstarr-mercer-photography-landon-dyer-stylist-sleek-summer-styling-pool-vogue-versace-balmain-style-inspired-editorial-triangle-swimwear-h&m_0026canadian stylist and model by poolstarr-mercer-photography-landon-dyer-stylist-sleek-summer-styling-pool-vogue-versace-balmain-style-inspired-editorial-triangle-swimwear-h&m_0028



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